Power BI Questionnaire

Power BI

Power BI Questionnaire

  • Directions- Please fill out all the questions below that you can, if you do not know an answer or have a question, please leave the field blank.

    We would love to chat with you. If you are having an issue, you can request assistance by emailing info@tsvmap.com
  • What is the purpose of your reports, who is the audience, and what is the expected action?

  • Ex: Sales by Customers
  • Ex: Internal Team or External Customers
  • Choose how many people will need to see the reports.
  • Ex: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly
  • How Consumers Use the Existing Report

  • Owner and Subject Matter Expert

  • Content Delivery

  • (PBI service, email subscription, embedded within another application)?
  • Interactivity Needs

  • Data Sources

  • (SQL databases, data warehouses, Excel, APIs, etc) are leveraged in the existing report?
  • (1month, 1 year, 5 years, etc)
  • e.g., live data vs. archive snapshots
  • Security Requirements

  • Calculations, KPIs, and Business Rules

  • Usability, Layout, and Cosmetic Requirements

  • Printing and Exporting Needs?

  • Risks or Concerns

  • Open Issues and Backlog Items

  • Do you have any other projects or systems that could use the same process?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.